In The Tube

In The Tube

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Oreo Bear Is Having Trouble T.T

Dear Mama Oreo Bear,
   Life is hard here in China,  for some reason we have to share our bamboo.  The great leader, Mao ZeOreo, took all of the bamboo for himself and is not sharing with me.  I am so hungry I've resorted to advertisement in America.  You might see me in commercials diving for food.  Don't be alarmed it's just my way of making a living.  They barely pay me because I am a follower of Mao ZeOreo, and must share my earnings.
   Mama I am sorry!  I should of went to college so that maybe I wouldn't be so miserable.  I can barely move to go to rivers to get water, and have no strength to even break bamboos anymore.  I fear that I won't be alive anymore so I wrote you this letter.  In this letter is a song, and I hope you imagine me singing it.

Oh the great leader Mao ZeOreo
Ruined the life of all black and white bear-eos
I don't want to share my bamboo
I don't want to live off my own poo
I want the oreeo bears to live on proud
I want Mao ZeOreo to fall from his cloud


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